
The Space Traveller’s Lover – Must Read science fiction novel of the week !

The Space Traveller’s Lover by Omara Williams is a fast-paced, emotionally charged science fiction novel that questions just how far someone will go for love. 

By Gwyneth Rees

We’re all seeking that next book to fall madly in love with, and The Space Traveller’s Lover by debut novelist Omara Williams could well be the ‘one’ for you.

A suspenseful and fast-paced work, it artfully blends science fiction with romance to deliver an inspirational read that will stay with you long after you’ve reached the final page.

Set in a bleak future Earth beset by irreversible climate change, it considers how humankind would act if a more advanced alien civilisation invaded with the sole intention to exact revenge.

At the heart of the novel is young female protagonist Erin. Beautiful, strong and independent, she has an unshakable feeling that she doesn’t quite fit in with her surroundings, living with her adoptive parents on the tropical island of Tinian where she helps out with their thriving tuna farm.

Though clearly gifted and different to everyone else, with stunning purple eyes, she lives a remarkably ordinary life and prefers to spend her free time swimming in the ocean rather than interacting with others.

Still, she enjoys the company of her best friend Sam and looks set to settle into a pleasant if pedestrian existence until a planned romantic escapade with him takes an unexpected turn.

Erin has been having a recurring dream about a mysterious man dressed as a soldier watching her from afar as she runs through endless corridors and, then, the strong wind lifts her over a strange multi-coloured ocean.

His soft voice seems soothing, though she cannot discern what he is saying, but each time she tries to reach him, he vanishes behind a dark cloud.

When she is lured to a dangerous cave while out with Sam, intrigued by a mysterious orange light emanating from within, she finally comes face-to-face with the man of her dreams.

An elite space traveller by the name of Rothwen, he reveals that he is a member of the Rom-Ghenshar, a genetically engineered, immortal alien race that is smarter and stronger than humankind. His people have an ancient grudge with humanity, having failed to conquer Earth 10,000 years before.

This time, they have vowed to finish the job.

Keep reading in The Scotsman here: Must-Read of the week: The Space Traveller’s Lover by Omara Williams | The Scotsman

And for more reviews, here: Reviews – Omara Williams (


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