
The Space Traveller’s Lover ‘s Characters

Dear readers,

There has been much praise for the characters of my debut novel, the science-fiction romance “The Space Traveller’s Lover”

Readers and reviewers agree that :


“…This sci-fi story is a blast! The characters are relatable, the plot is fun, with some great twist and turns, and the ending is EXTREMELY…” Read more

“This science fiction tale is exhilarating! The characters resonate with the reader, the storyline is engaging and filled with exciting twists, and…” Read more

“Excellent romance/sci-fi where the alien character is not cheesy or unrealistic. I enjoyed the storyline and characters. A book I’d read again.” Read more

When writing the book, I put myself in each character’s persona and tried interiorizing their feelings before transferring my thoughts onto the written word. I had a special relationship with each character, and each was quite distinct in how they reacted to every impossible situation I would put them in.

It was very satisfying to see the characters develop their unique personalities as the book progressed, to the point that they became indispensable to the whole story.

Here, I summarise the particular traits of the most important characters:

Main Characters:


  • Background: Rothwen is the master navigator and elite soldier from a powerful alien race, the Rom-Ghenshar,  known for their advanced technology and unbeatable combat skills.
  • Personality: He is disciplined, loyal, and has a strong sense of duty. Despite his tough exterior, he has a deep capacity for love and compassion, and his transformation throughout the story is breathtaking.
  • Role: As the story progresses, Rothwen’s character evolves from a hardened warrior to someone who learns to embrace his emotions and vulnerabilities.


  • Background: Erin is a human who finds herself caught in the middle of an interstellar conflict. She is intelligent, resourceful, and determined. As she enters the alien Rom-Ghenshar world, she acquires new abilities and is given the new name of Shaillah.
  • Personality: Erin is compassionate, brave, and has a solid moral compass. Her resilience and ability to adapt to new situations make her a compelling character.
  • Role: Erin’s relationship with Rothwen is central to the story. She helps him see the world from a different perspective and plays a crucial role in the unfolding events.

Supporting Characters:


  • Background: Sam is a human who has fallen in love with Erin as they grew up together on the island of Tinian, only to be separated by Rothwen’s ruthless intentions. He and Erin form a strong bond with dire consequences.
  • Personality: Sam is gentle, cheerful and hopeful. He is fascinated with Erin and will do anything to free her from the aliens’ grasp.
  • Role: Erin’s relationship with Sam forms the love triangle that Sam never expected. Although Erin is strongly attracted to Rothwen, she finds it hard to let go of Sam, her dearest childhood friend who would never give up on her.


  • Background: Kuzhma-Or is the fearsome Rom-Ghenshar Supreme Commander. His sole motive for the alien invasion is to exact revenge on the humans for past failed conflicts. He is autocratic, dominant, and irritable, but deep inside, he has painful memories that he would rather forget.
  • Personality: Kuzhma-Or is the highly experienced, manipulative and ruthless Commander, driven by revenge in his quest to invade and take over planet Earth.
  • Role: Kuzhma-Or stands firmly in the way between Erin and Rothwen and lets them know that he would stop at nothing to achieve his goal. But his weakness is that he underestimates everyone around him. And Erin will find unexpected allies to confront him and ultimately fulfil her destiny.


  • Background: Athguer is the superbly intelligent Rom-Ghenshar Chief Scientist. Initially sceptical of Erin’s ability to adapt to the alien world, he warms up to her as he begins to understand human nature.
  • Personality: Athguer is hermetic, self-absorbed and overly proud of his scientific achievements. He is the calming figure between Rothwen and Kuzhma-Or’s short-tempered traits.
  • Role: Athguer watches behind the sidelines as Rothwen and Erin’s romance develops and transforms, cunningly leading them to make decisions that ultimately determine their destiny.


  • Background: Zula-Or is the sagacious and prudent Rom-Ghenshar High Counsellor. She is Erin’s mother figure, helping her navigate the unfamiliar and exuberant Rom-Ghenshar world.
  • Personality: Zula-Or is always immaculately dressed, which gives her a grandiose appearance. Erin always looks up to her and seeks her advice and support as she confronts her most conflicting feelings and agonizing decisions.
  • Role: Zula-Or helps Erin at every stage of her difficult transition, eventually admiring and supporting her plight and determination to fight for justice and her undying love for Rothwen.

My Favourite Character:

My favourite character from my book is Erin Lobart, the protagonist. I created her to be smart, beautiful, determined, and independent – inspiring strong emotions from humans and aliens alike. Still, through the circumstances of the alien invasion, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery that takes her to face many challenges beyond what she ever imagined. Through sheer perseverance, dignity, and self-belief, she overcomes every setback she encounters along the way. She never gives up, and that is an exceptional quality to admire and celebrate.

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