Dear readers,
When my debut science fiction novel, The Space Traveller’s Lover, was published in February 2022, and I saw it available in all the online bookstores, I realized that my dreams of being a published author had come true. Something I once thought was impossible had become a reality, and the five years of hard work I put in had finally paid off. But my journey to becoming an author started much earlier, in my childhood, when I first recognized my passion for reading and writing. It was a defining moment that set the course for my future.
My early school memories are shaped by my love of books and my curiosity about nature. My mind was in a constant state of inquisitiveness, and the more I learned about the physical world, the more I wanted to know. I was always taking notes about subjects close to my heart, like astronomy, physics, chemistry, and making up stories. I used to spend countless hours weaving fantastical tales inspired by everything around me—the shapes of clouds, the constellations in the night sky, and the mysteries of the Universe.
My boundless imagination and far-fetched dreams were the perfect escape from an environment of scarcity, misery and fear. I was not fond of the communist ideas imposed on Cuba, my country of birth, so I decided to live in a world that I would create for myself.
While I had filled numerous notebooks with fantastic stories, I did not immediately pursue writing as a career. Instead, I followed my love of science and enrolled at Havana University to finish my BSc Honours degree in Nuclear Engineering. This was a challenging but rewarding time of my life, where I learned to operate Nuclear Reactors during a training stint in Russia and conducted research in fuel payload optimisation at the University. Little did I know that a seemingly routine trip to a sandy beach would change my life so dramatically. It was there that I met the man who would become my husband and take me to England to start a new life.
When I arrived in England, everything felt so different to me, but I loved it and adapted very quickly. Having resolved to continue a career in software engineering, I completed several diplomas in Information Systems at Leeds University and soon found a job. Years later, with a successful career in software management and a resurging passion for science fiction, I decided to pick up my pen once again and asked myself, “What if?”. And from that question, The Space Traveller’s Lover was born—a novel that blends my scientific knowledge, my passion for space exploration, and my flair for romance into an immersive tale of love, duty and what it means to be human.
My fascination with the unknown and the search for answers inspired this novel. I also wanted to create a story that would captivate readers and inspire them to consider the endless possibilities of our Universe.
In The Space Traveller’s Lover, I delve into the most fundamental questions of our times: Are we alone in the Universe? Did aliens visit us in the past? What is the meaning of life? Can we ultimately control any technology using our brains? Can we live forever while travelling to any part of the Universe? Can we harness an infinite source of energy? Despite the fact that we do not have an explanation for these mysteries right now, I provide a backdrop in which they could all be possible because I stayed true to our latest scientific understanding throughout the story.
The success of my debut self-published novel, The Space Traveller’s Lover, indeed took me by surprise. Not only did it reach Amazon’s # 1 Best Seller in the Category of YA War & Military, but it has also been awarded several accolades, such as the Global Book Awards, Outstanding Creator, Bookfest, Literary Titan, PenCraft Best Book and NYC Big Book Award.
But it was not all plain sailing after I asked myself that “What If?” question. Finding the time to write and sticking to a strict schedule was far from straightforward. For starters, taking care of my family and working a demanding full-time job were my priorities. And how would I reconcile my fear of failing with the desire to be a successful author? It all came down to a battle of willpower. I found myself in periods of self-reflection, really digging deep to confront those times when I could have been writing but chose not to. It was a wake-up call to hold myself accountable and recognise the missed opportunities to create.
As I dedicated my weekends and evenings to writing, I discovered the immense joy of the creative process. Writing, I realised, is not just about crafting stories and characters; it’s about uncovering one’s true self. In that moment, I embraced my identity as an author and began to weave the stories that my heart longed to tell. Page after page, my ideas ignited one after another, and each character became an integral part of the narrative. By immersing myself in their experiences, I felt their emotions as if they were my own. Their struggles and desires became mine, and completing the book became a personal mission. The more I created, the more I found the inner strength to persevere until I reached my goal, and that brought me an unparalleled sense of self-satisfaction.
Once I had completed the first draft, I embarked on a long self-editing process, closing all the loose ends, improving the dialogue, deleting unnecessary scenes, and checking grammar and spelling. I spared no time and effort to ensure my book achieved the highest quality before I sent it to a professional editor. Then came the decision of how to publish my book. I had three options: self-publishing, traditional publishing, or hybrid. Each path has its advantages and disadvantages, and after careful consideration, I chose self-publishing. This was because I had a budget to put my book on the market as soon as possible. However, as a self-published author, you must handle all marketing and promotion on your own, which can be very costly and time-consuming.
I discovered that publishing a book was more challenging than I had ever anticipated. Still, I also realized that hard work and perseverance bring significant rewards and a strong sense of self-fulfilment. The numerous positive book reviews I received reinforced my belief that every ounce of effort I invested in writing my book was absolutely worth it.
So, I have a message for all the aspiring authors out there: don’t give up! It’s never too late to start, set short-term goals and celebrate every milestone that you achieve. Every page you write takes you closer to your dreams.

London Book Fair 2023