Dear readers
My debut novel, The Space Traveller’s Lover, was featured in the beautiful L’Heure magazine this December.
Describing my incredible journey as an author, the front cover headline reads,
Omara Williams,
From Cuba to the Cosmos!
Her Inspiring Journey from Nuclear Engineering to Science Fiction Mastery.
You can download the December issue here to discover more of my story. It also includes an extensive interview in which I talk about my journey to becoming an author and offer advice to aspiring authors and women in leadership roles! You can also view it on my website: Magazines—Omara Williams.
Here is the full interview. I hope you enjoy it!:
- Growing up in Cuba, how did your early experiences shape your passion for writing?
From a very young age, I developed a passion for learning, reading, and writing about my favourite science subjects. Whenever I had some free time from school chores, I would go straight to my books and spend long hours reading, writing, and listening to music. Although my family and friends used to complain, over time, they accepted me for how I was: a very studious girl with a passion for science and very little time for anything else. But I couldn’t feel happier, as it was the perfect way to escape from an environment of scarcity, misery and fear. I was not fond of the communist ideas, so I decided to live in a world that I would create for myself.
- Can you describe the moment you decided to write The Space Traveller’s Lover? What inspired you?
In spite of my busy schedule, I always thought about writing and publishing a book. But it actually took a lot of perseverance and self-motivation to convince myself that I could do it. I started wondering, “What would we do if a more advanced civilisation invaded our planet and took everything we hold dear?” What is the most fundamental human emotion that could decide our fate?” Eventually, the story unfolded in my head, and I kept dreaming about it. On a piece of paper, I wrote down the advantages and disadvantages of publishing a book. I stuck the paper on my office wall so I could see it every day. Soon, I started writing down whatever came to mind in my spare time. Seeing all my ideas come to life in the form of written words on a document was such a relief. Then, after that, I could not stop as I learned again that stretching my imagination and writing stories was something that I really enjoyed.
- How has your background in science and engineering influenced your writing style and themes?
My background in science and technology plays a crucial part in my writing style and themes. I chose the subject of science-fiction because this is the perfect background to explore the fantastic mysteries of our physical world with limitless imagination. In my novel “The Space Traveller’s Lover”, I delve into the most fundamental questions of our times: Are we alone in the Universe? Did aliens visit us in the past? What is the meaning of life? Can we ultimately control any technology using our brains? Can we live forever while travelling to any part of the Universe? Can we harness an infinite source of energy?
- What challenges did you face while learning English, and how did you overcome them in your writing?
I started to teach myself English when I was twelve years old. At the time, it was not seen as an appropriate language to learn because it was the language of the “enemy”. But I was determined to learn it, especially when I discovered rock music. I wanted to learn the lyrics of the songs I loved. When I started writing the book, I found it hard to find the right words at first, and I had to double-check every sentence. But eventually, it became second nature. I am proud to say that writing “The Space Traveller’s Lover” allowed me to become a proficient writer and speaker in the English language.
- Your novel combines science fiction with romance. How do you balance these two genres?
Although science fiction and romance seem to be dissimilar subjects, I found common ground while writing my book and seamlessly integrated the two. Throughout all the fast-paced action, futuristic technology and alien invasion, the characters’ emotions and desires shape the plot as the story unfolds, offering the readers the chance to wonder not only about nature’s mysteries but also about what it means to be human.
- What message do you hope readers take away from Erin’s journey in The Space Traveller’s Lover?
There are many important messages that I want the readers to take away from my novel. They are important to me because they represent my values. We live on a beautiful, unique planet; let’s preserve its rich biodiversity and delicate environment. Let’s love our planet. We can’t discard the possibility of an alien invasion, and we must be prepared. Hostility is not an option. And finally, when all seems lost, don’t give up. Fight for what you believe in with all your strength and resolve.
- As an accomplished software manager, how do you manage your time between your career and writing?
I manage my time by following a strict schedule where I write down my priorities and goals. It is all about discipline and perseverance. I also make sure to frequently review and update my schedule and celebrate every milestone I achieve. Although it wasn’t easy at first to follow a strict routine, now I am driven by the satisfaction I get when reaching my goals.
- How do you approach character development, especially for strong female protagonists like Erin?
As I create the main characters, I draw their physique in detail and define their traits, strengths and weaknesses. It is very rewarding to see the characters develop their unique personalities as I put them in difficult circumstances. As I interiorise their emotions and struggles, I get attached to them. I created the protagonist, Erin, to be intelligent, beautiful and fiercely independent, with a strong sense of love and duty, the qualities that I greatly admire. As Erin embarks on a journey of self-discovery, it was easy for me to be fighting with her at every stage.
- What role does music play in your life and work, especially in relation to your writing?
My life has always revolved around music, more specifically rock music. It all started when I discovered Elton John’s songs playing on the short-wave radio stations banned in Cuba. It was music that helped me improve my English, and it was music that introduced me to another world far away from my country’s hardships. Now living in England, I play my favourite songs every day and enjoy going to rock concerts to see my favourite bands like The Strokes. While I sing the lyrics in my head, I feel all kinds of emotions. I always play music while I write. While writing “The Space Traveller’s Lover”, many ideas came to me while listening to my favourite songs.
- How do your interests in astronomy and the cosmos influence your storytelling?
As I learned extensively about astronomy and cosmology and travelled around the world watching the night sky and total solar eclipses, I gathered a wealth of knowledge that helped me in my journey of writing science-fiction stories. Many scenes in my book are inspired by those unique experiences, and I apply all my scientific insights to describe the aliens’ advanced technology and world-building abilities.
- What do you believe are the most important qualities for women in leadership roles, based on your own experiences?
To be in a leadership role and be successful is very challenging; you need the ability to see the big picture as well as delve into the minor details and efficiently delegate. You need to be able to identify the challenges ahead, proactively address them and replan if necessary. This demands sound technical knowledge, attention to detail, and excellent organisational and communication skills. From my own experience, continuous learning, adaptability, resilience, and teamwork are essential qualities in a leadership role.
- What advice would you give to aspiring writers who come from unconventional backgrounds?
The road to becoming an author is full of obstacles, but none that can’t be surpassed with determination and commitment. My advice to aspiring authors would be that no matter your background, if you have a story to tell and enjoy the creation process, you should not give up. Set small goals to start with and persevere. You will find it gets easier as you progress, and more ideas will materialise. Chapter after chapter, you will finish your book, and there will be a broad audience out there ready to read and enjoy your work.
- How do you define success as a writer, especially after the acclaim you’ve received?
Since I became an author, the definition of success for me has evolved. I never expected the reception that “The Space Traveller’s Lover” has had, so I did set my success bar very low. Now, after winning multiple awards and becoming an Amazon best-seller, the bar is very high. But most special to me are the beautiful reviews from my readers, so I would say that success is defined by how well your readers receive the book and are moved by the story.
- Can you share a memorable moment from your journey as a self-published author?
I have many memorable moments to share, from when I received the first copy of my published book to when I received your invitation to appear in L’Heur magazine. But if I were to pick one, it would be the first time I received an award. I could not believe the e-mail notification from the Book Excellence Awards telling me that they had selected my book, out of thousands of entries, for its high-quality writing, design and market appeal. That was the moment I realised that I had accomplished my dreams in this remarkable journey.
- What are your plans for future projects or books? Can we expect more from you in the science fiction genre?
Of course, I am planning future astronomy-related travels and writing my next book, which will be the second part of “The Space Traveller’s Lover”. I am gathering all my ideas and filling a notebook with pictures and notes, which I intend to put together for the sequel.

L’HEURE Magazine – December Issue – “From Cuba to the Cosmos!”