Dear readers
We start the year 2025 by announcing that The Space Traveller’s Lover has been selected as a Maincrest Media Award Winner!
The Maincrest Media Book Award Program establishes the benchmark for excellence in books and the publishing community as a whole.
I am truly honoured and thrilled by this prestigious award!
The complete list of awards for 2023 and 2024 can be found here.
Since I published my book in February 2022, it has received numerous awards and rave reviews. It has been a fantastic journey.
The Judges for the Maincrest Media Award gave the following evaluation for The Space Traveller’s Lover:
Maincrest Media – Judgment Assessment of The Space Traveller’s Lover
BOOK TITLE: The Space Traveller’s Lover
PLOT: The story is original, engaging and well-paced. The book follows a clear and logical narrative arc. The writing includes information to make a reader want to continue reading and stretch their imagination.
CHARACTER: The characters are memorable and believable and their goals and motivations have been well established. The characters’ strengths, weaknesses, backstory and conflicts evoke a strong emotional response in the reader.
THEME: The book has a strong, unifying theme. The book presents new and original ideas. The book appeals to the reader in an emotional or logical manner. The theme is relevant to the author’s genre of writing.
STYLE: The author’s word choice, sentence fluency, voice and tone have been well established. The author uses descriptive imagery where appropriate. The author’s use of language enhances the overall reading experience.
APPEAL TO TARGET AUDIENCE: The target audience of the book is clear and the contents of the book is in line with other highly regarded books in its genre. The book has a professional interior layout and typeface. The book includes relevant front and back matter to explain key elements of the plot, characters and setting to enhance a reader’s overall experience. The book is free from grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
This book has been selected for a Maincrest Media Book Award in the Science Fiction – General category.
I am so proud! This gives me more impetus to finish Volume II of The Space Traveller’s Lover, which I’m currently working on.

Maincrest Media Award Winner – January 2025